
Term and Condition & Privacy Policy


These Website Standard Terms and Conditions written on this webpage shall manage your use of our website, Miragold Sdn. Bhd. Gold Commerce accessible at miragold.com.my.

These Terms will be applied fully and affect to your use of this Website. By using this Website, you agreed to accept all terms and conditions written in here. You must not use this Website if you disagree with any of these Website Standard Terms and Conditions.

Minors or people below 18 years old are not allowed to use this Website.


Privacy Policy ( personal data protection policy)


Miragold Sdn Bhd respect and are committed to the protection of your personal information and your privacy. This Personal Data Protection Policy explains how we collect and handle your personal information in accordance with the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010, which came into effect on 15th November 2013.


1. Collection of Personal Data


In the course of your dealings with Miragold, we may have or will request that you provide data and information about yourself, your organisation, your employees and your customers (“Personal Data”) to enable us to enter into commercial transaction with you or to deliver the necessary notices, services and/or products in connection with our business. These are relevant in connection with our business process, execution, including delivery of notices, services and/or products and/or deliverables, client relationship management, planning purposes in connection with future products, new product launches and events including promotional events with business partners within our scope of business undertakings.



2. Nature of Personal Data Collected


Personal Data collected may be subject to applicable data protection, privacy and other similar laws and may include but not limited to information concerning your name, date of birth, identity card number, passport number, address, gender, race, contact information, e-mail address, residential or postal addresses, information about spouses and/or children, telephone or fax number, preferred mode of communication, credit card details, bank name and other pertinent banking information, where permitted by applicable law.



3. Purpose of Collection of Personal Data


The Personal Data that has been or will be collected, processed and used by us for one or more of the following purposes:


·         * the delivery of notices, services, products or deliverables and the marketing of such services or products whether present or future, to you;

·         * in order for you to enter into the necessary agreement and/or contract to purchase the products and/or services from us;

·         * the maintenance and upkeep of customer records and development;

·         * to facilitate payment of our products and services;

·         * those purposes specifically provided for in any particular service or product offered by us or our partners;

·         * marketing and client profiling activities regarding our latest, products, projects and/or services;

·         * credit assessments, financial and background investigation as and when deemed necessary;

·         * for our internal record keeping;

·         * prevention of crime (including but not limited to fraud and money-laundering);

·         * meeting any legal or regulatory requirements relating to our provision of services and products and to make disclosure under the requirements of any applicable law, regulation, direction, court order, by-law, guideline, circular, code applicable to us or any member companies of our Group;

·         * enable us to send you information by e-mail, regular postal mail, telecommunication means (telephone calls, SMS messages or social media) or internet social media about products and services offered by us and/or via collaboration with selected third parties.;

·         * setting, modification, safekeeping, customer care, customer loyalty card programmes; and/or related services in respect of our products and/or services;

·         any subsequent commercial transactions in relation to our products and/or services.

If at any time you would like us to cease sending you promotional and/or marketing materials, please express the same by sending an email or letter to the address specified in Clause 11.


4. Source of Personal Data


The Personal Data that has been or will be collected, processed and used by us are sourced from wholly legitimate and transparent means such as:



·         agreements and contracts for sale and purchase of our products, properties or for our services;

·         official registration forms (either electronic or printed) for new product launches or at product road shows, showcases, exhibitions or any other promotional events;

·         official request for information forms that are provided to you by our employees or agents;

·         any emails or any correspondences that we have received from you requesting for information or making any inquiries;

·         any forms that you have submitted on our website or any websites contracted by us;

·         any referrals from a person which have included their verifiable personal contact details;

·         when you sign up for our Company’s newsletters and/or promotional publications;

·         business cards that were dropped or given to our employees, agents, brokers or associates;

·         any documents (including but not limited to statutory forms and returns) that were submitted to us for processing;

·         use of "cookies” by your visit to our website, whereby small bits of information that are automatically stored on a person's web browser in their computer that can be retrieved by this site. Should you wish to disable these cookies you may do so by changing the setting on your browser. However, by disabling them, you may not be able to take advantage of all the features at our website. In some situations, you may not be able to access our website if cookies are disabled.



At no time will any Personal Data be purchased by us or in any way commercially acquired through the purchase or trading of illegitimate and illegal Personal Data databases or lists.



5. Rights of Access and Correction


You have the right to request access to and if required, correction of your Personal Data in our records. You have the right to:



·         request access to your Personal Data in our records for verification purposes. You may access and review all of your Personal Data held by us in person at our corporate offices located at the address specified in Clause 11;

·         request the correction of your Personal Data in our records in the event the information is inaccurate, misleading, out-of-date or incomplete upon validation and verification of the new information provided in person at our corporate offices located at the address given in Clause 11 below;

·         request that your Personal Data shall only be kept for the fulfilment of the purpose of the collection of such information;

·         request for proof of policy and procedure in relation to the safeguard and guarantee of your Personal Data in our records;

·         request that we specify or explain its policies and procedures in relation to data and types of Personal Data handled by us;

·         communicate to us in person at our corporate office located at the address specified in Clause 11 of your objection to the use of your Personal Data for marketing purposes, whereupon we will not use your Personal Data for these purposes;

·         withdraw, in full or in part, your consent given previously, in each case subject to any applicable legal restrictions, contractual conditions and a reasonable time period in person at our corporate offices located at the address & means specified in Clause 11;

·         We will use reasonable efforts to provide you with a copy of the requested personal information within thirty (30) working days of receiving your duly completed written request with the specified processing fee forwarded to our corporate offices located at the address given in Clause 11 below;



6. Disclosure of Personal Data


The information we gather is not sold, given to, or otherwise shared with other organisations for commercial or any other purposes. All marketing materials, mailings, advertisements and/or newsletters will be sent directly to you by Miragold and will not be stored, subject to you responding directly to the advertiser. The Personal Data provided to us will be kept confidential and you hereby consent and authorise us to disclose your Personal Data to the following classes of parties:



·         any related companies and/or subsidiaries of Miragold, including those incorporated in the future;

·         our business partners and affiliates that provide related services or products as may be deemed necessary or appropriate in connection with our business;

·         our auditors, consultants, lawyers, accountants or other financial or professional advisers appointed in connection with our business;

·         our third-party service providers, third party management companies, sub-contractors or other parties as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by us to facilitate your dealings with us; and

·         our appointed service providers deemed necessary or appropriate by us in relation of our loyalty programmes, for the purpose of delivery gift redemption and services.



Your Personal Data may also be disclosed if the disclosure is necessary for the purpose of preventing or detecting a crime, or for the purpose of investigations or is required or authorised by or under any law or by the order of a court.


External third parties are appointed by us and are legally tasked with processing your Personal Data in line with data privacy principles specified by Miragold. Third parties are also held legally responsible for securing your Personal Data at an appropriate level of security in relation to applicable data protection laws and widely accepted industry standards.


7. Choices to Limit Processing of Personal Data


The Personal Data provided to us undergoes processing as and when required or upon scheduled maintenance. The definition of processing is defined as "collecting, recording, holding or storing the personal data or carrying out any operation or set of operations on the personal data, including the organization, adaptation or alteration of personal data, the retrieval, consultation or use of personal data, the disclosure of personal data by transmission, transfer, dissemination or otherwise making available or the alignment, combination, correction, erasure or destruction of personal data”.


You have the right to limit in part or wholly any of the processes by which your data is subjected to in terms of the operations allowed to be performed upon it, the period that consent is given, with reasonable notice by you.

The responsibility for compliance rests on the shoulders of Miragold who determines the purposes and means of the processing of Personal Data.

You may in person at any time withdraw or amend, in full or in part, your processing consent given previously, in each case subject to any applicable legal restrictions, contractual conditions and a reasonable time period at our corporate offices located at the address specified in Clause 11.


8. Consequences of Refusal / Failure to Provide Personal Data


The Personal Data provided to us are wholly voluntary in nature and you are not under any obligation or under any duress to do so. However, in some circumstances to complete a commercial transaction, we require certain personal details and information beforehand.


The failure to provide the Personal Data may result in the following which we shall not be held liable for any of the consequences arising therefrom:

·         the inability of parties to formalize any sales transaction, contract and/or agreement in relation to the sale of our products and/or provision of services;

·         the inability for us to provide you with the notices, services and/or products requested;

·         the inability for us to update you with the latest product, services and/or launches


9. Protection of Personal Data


Your Personal Data will be kept and processed in a secured manner. The appropriate administrative and security safeguards, policies and procedures will be implemented, as far as practicable, in accordance to the applicable laws and regulations. We will, as far as practicable, aim to prevent any unauthorized and/or unlawful processing of, and the accidental loss, destruction or damage to your Personal Data.


Miragold is committed to taking appropriate technical, physical and organisational measures to protect your Personal Data against unauthorised access, unlawful processing, accidental loss or damage, and unauthorised destruction of your Personal Data.

To safeguard against unauthorised access to Personal Data by unauthorised third parties outside Miragold, all electronic Personal Data held by Miragold is maintained on systems that are protected by secure networks. Miragold entities limit access to internal systems that hold Personal Data to a select group of authorised users who are given access to such systems through the use of a unique identifier and password. Access to Private Data is limited to and is provided only to relevant users for the purpose of performing their official duties.

Compliance with these provisions will be required of all third-party external administrators who may access your Personal Data, as described in the ‘Disclosure of Personal Data’ in Clause 6 above.


10. Language


In accordance to Section 7(3) Personal Data Protection Act 2010, this Policy is issued in both Bahasa Malaysia and English languages. In the event of any conflict between this English language Personal Data Protection Policy and its corresponding Bahasa Malaysia Personal Data Protection Policy, the terms in this English language Policy shall prevail.



11. Your Privacy Preferences and How to Contact Us:


If you have complaints or queries regarding this Policy or in relation to misuse or suspected misuse of your personal data, you may -


·         E-mail us to: miragoldsb@gmail.com


Miragold Sdn Bhd (1383214-K)

NO 17A, Jln Ekoperniagaan 7, Taman Kota Masai, 81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor


12. Changes to this Policy


Miragold reserves the right to amend this policy from time to time Where the Personal Data Protection Policy is revised, the same will be posted on our website and/or communicated to you via any other means of communication deemed suitable by us.



13. Data Transfer and Sharing

Your Personal Data may be stored and transferred to third party service or product providers, as well as to locations and/or systems within or outside Malaysia subject to strict confidentiality and appropriate levels of security safeguards.


Last update Feb 2014







Miragold Sdn Bhd ,menghormati dan komited untuk melindungi maklumat peribadi dan privasi anda. Polisi Perlindungan Data Peribadi ini menjelaskan cara kami mengumpul dan mengendalikan maklumat peribadi anda mengikut Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 Malaysia yang telah berkuatkuasa pada 15 November 2013.


1. Pengumpulan Data Peribadi


Sewaktu anda berurusan dengan Miragold, kami mungkin telah atau akan meminta anda memberikan data dan maklumat tentang diri anda, organisasi anda, pekerja anda dan pelanggan anda (“Data Peribadi”) bagi membolehkan kami untuk menjalankan urus niaga komersial dengan anda atau untuk menyampaikan notis, perkhidmatan dan/atau produk dan/atau barangan penghantaran berhubung dengan perniagaan kami. Data peribadi ini adalah relevan bagi kami khususnya untuk proses perniagaan, pelaksanaan termasuk penyampaian notis, perkhidmatan dan/atau produk, pengurusan perhubungan pelanggan, tujuan perancangan untuk produk pada masa hadapan , pelancaran produk baru dan acara-acara termasuk acara promosi dengan rakan kongsi perniagaan dalam lingkungan perniagaan kami.


2. Kandungan Data Peribadi Yang Dikumpulkan


Data Peribadi yang dikumpulkan mungkin tertakluk kepada undang-undang perlindungan data, privasi dan undang-undang lain yang seumpamanya dan mungkin merangkumi dan tidak terhad kepada maklumat tentang nama, tarikh lahir, nombor kad pengenalan, nombor passport, alamat, jantina, bangsa, maklumat untuk dihubungi, alamat e-mel, alamat tempat tinggal atau alamat surat menyurat, maklumat tentang pasangan dan anak-anak, nombor telefon atau nombor faks, kaedah komunikasi yang menjadi pilihan, maklumat kad kredit, nama bank dan lain-lain maklumat bank yang penting dan dibenarkan oleh undang-undang.


3. Tujuan Pengumpulan Data Peribadi


Data Peribadi yang telah atau akan dikumpul, diproses dan digunakan oleh kami bagi satu atau lebih tujuan berikut:


·         * penyampaian notis, perkhidmatan, produk atau barangan penghantaran kepada anda dan untuk tujuan pemasaran perkhidmatan atau produk tersebut sama ada pada masa kini atau di masa hadapan;

·         * untuk anda memasuki sebarang perjanjian dan/atau kontrak untuk membeli produk dan/atau perkhimatan dari kami;

·         * penjagaan dan penyelenggaraan rekod dan perkembangan pelanggan;

·         * untuk memudahkan pembayaran produk dan perkhidmatan kami;

·         * tujuan yang diperuntukkan dengan nyata dalam sebarang perkhidmatan atau produk khusus yang ditawarkan oleh kami atau rakan kongsi kami;

·         * menjalankan aktiviti pemasaran dan pemprofilan pelanggan berhubung dengan produk, projek dan/ atau perkhidmatan terbaru kami;

·         * penilaian kredit dan semakan kewangan dan latar belakang lain sepertimana dianggap perlu atau sesuai;

·         * penyimpanan rekod dalaman kami;

·         * menghalang jenayah (termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada penipuan, pengubahan wang haram dan rasuah);

·         * memenuhi sebarang keperluan undang-undang atau kawal selia berkaitan dengan penyediaan perkhidmatan dan produk oleh kami dan untuk membuat pendedahan di bawah keperluan sebarang undang-undang yang berkaitan, peraturan, arahan, perintah mahkamah, undang-undang kecil, *   * garis panduan, pekeliling, kod yang berkaitan dengan kami atau mana-mana ahli syarikat-syarikat kumpulan kami;

·         * membolehkan kami menghantar maklumat kepada anda melalui e-mel, pos biasa, kaedah telekomunikasi yang lain (panggilan telefon, pesanan SMS atau media social) atau media sosial internet tentang produk dan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan oleh kami dan/atau melalui kerjasama kami dengan pihak ketiga

·        * penyusunan, ubahsuai, penyimpanan, khidmat pelanggan, program kad pelanggan setia; dan/atau perkhidmatan lain yang berkenaan produk dan/atau perkhidmatan kami;

·         mana-mana transaksi komersial lanjutan yang berkaitan dengan produk dan/atau perkhidmatan kami.

Jika anda ingin kami menghentikan penghantaran bahan promosi dan/atau pemasaran kepada anda pada bila-bila masa, sila hantarkan kami e-mel atau surat ke alamat yang dinyatakan di Klausa 11.


4. Sumber Data Peribadi


The Personal Data that has been or will be collected, processed and used by us are sourced from wholly legitimate and transparent means such as:


·         perjanjian dan kontrak jual beli produk , hartanah atau perkhidmatan kami;

·         borang pendaftaran rasmi (sama ada eletronik atau cetakan) untuk pelancaran produk baru atau semasa pameran produk bergerak, pameran, atau aktiviti promosi lain;

·         permintaan secara rasmi untuk borang informasi yang diberikan kepada anda oleh kakitangan atau ejen kami;

·         e-mel atau surat menyurat yang kami terima daripada anda meminta informasi atau membuat sebarang pertanyaan;

·         borang yang telah anda menyerahkan ke laman web kami atau mana-mana laman web yang dikontrakkan oleh kami;

·         rujukan yang diterima daripada seseorang yang merangkumi pengesahan maklumat hubungan peribadi mereka;

·         apabila anda mendaftar untuk mendapatkan buletin syarikat kami dan/atau promosi bercetak kami;

·         kad perniagaan yang ditinggalkan atau diserahkan kepada kakitangan kami, ejen, broker atau syarikat bersekutu;

·         dokumen (termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada borang berkanun dan hasil) yang diserahkan kepada kami untuk diproses;

·         penggunaan “cookies” semasa kunjungan anda ke laman web kami, di mana sebahagian kecil informasi yang disimpan secara automatik di dalam komputer pengunjung web boleh diekstrak oleh laman ini. Sekiranya anda ingin menutup aplikasi “cookies” ini, anda boleh berbuat demikian dengan menukar tetapan pada “Browser” anda. Walau bagaimanapun, dengan menutup aplikasi tersebut, anda mungkin tidak dapat menggunakan kesemua kelebihan laman web kami. Dalam sesetengah situasi, anda mungkin tidak dapat memasuki laman web kami sekiranya aplikasi “cookies” ditutup.

Kami tidak akan sesekali membeli atau memperolehi Data Peribadi secara komersil melalui transaksi pembelian atau perdagangan pengkalan Data Peribadi dan senarai yang tidak sah dengan apa cara sekali pun.


5. Hak Akses dan Pembetulan


Anda berhak untuk meminta akses dan sekiranya perlu, pembetulan maklumat Data Peribadi anda di dalam rekod kami. Anda berhak untuk :


·         meminta akses ke atas Data Peribadi anda di dalam rekod kami untuk tujuan pengesahan. Anda boleh mengakses dan menyemak kembali sendiri semua Data Peribadi anda yang disimpan di pejabat korporat kami di alamat seperti yang tertera di Klausa 11;

·         meminta pembetulan dibuat ke atas Data Peribadi anda di dalam rekod kami sekiranya maklumat tersebut tidak tepat, terpesong, tidak terkini atau lengkap semasa pengesahan dengan mengemaskini maklumat terkini anda di pejabat korporat kami seperti yang tertera di Klausa 11;

·         meminta supaya Data Peribadi anda hanya disimpan untuk memenuhi tujuan maklumat tersebut dikumpul;

·         meminta bukti polisi dan prosedur yang berkaitan dengan jaminan keselamatan Data Peribadi anda di dalam rekod kami;

·         meminta kami menyatakan atau menjelaskan dasar dan prosedur yang berkaitan dengan data dan jenis Data Peribadi yang dikendalikan oleh kami;

·         memaklumkan bantahan anda terhadap penggunaan Data Peribadi bagi tujuan pemasaran secara peribadi di pejabat korporat kami seperti yang tertera di Klausa 11 , dimana kami tidak akan menggunakan Data Peribadi anda bagi tujuan ini;

·         menarik balik kebenaran yang telah diberi, sama ada sepenuhnya atau sebahagian, dengan mengunjungi secara sendiri di pejabat korporat kami seperti yang tertera di Klausa 11. Setiap kes adalah tertakluk kepada sebarang syarat undang-undang yang berkaitan, syarat-syarat kontrak dan tempoh masa yang munasabah;

·         kami dengan usaha yang munasabah akan memberikan anda salinan maklumat Data Peribadi yang dipohon dalam masa tiga puluh (30) hari bekerja dari tarikh penerimaan permohonan lengkap bertulis dari anda bersama bayaran yuran pemprosesan di pejabat korporat kami seperti yang tertera di Klausa 11;


6. Pendedahan Data Peribadi


Maklumat yang kami kumpulkan tidak dijual, diberi atau dikongsi dengan organisasi lain untuk tujuan komersial atau lain-lain tujuan. Semua bahan pemasaran, surat menyurat, pengiklanan dan/atau buletin akan dihantar kepada anda secara terus dari Miragold dan tidak akan disimpan, tertakluk kepada maklumbalas terus anda kepada pengiklan.
Data Peribadi yang diberikan kepada kami akan disimpan secara sulit dan anda dengan ini, mengizinkan dan memberi kuasa kepada kami untuk mendedahkan Data Peribadi anda kepada pihak berikut:


·         mana-mana syarikat yang berkaitan dan/atau subsidiari Habib, termasuk yang akan diperbadankan di masa hadapan;

·         rakan kongsi perniagaan dan sekutu kami yang menawarkan perkhidmatan atau produk sebagai mana yang dianggap perlu atau sesuai berkaitan dengan perniagaan kami;

·         auditor, perunding, peguam, akauntan kami atau lain-lain penasihat kewangan atau professional yang dilantik berkaitan dengan perniagaan kami;

·         pihak ketiga kami yang memberikan perkhidmatan pengurusan syarikat, sub-kontraktor atau lain-lain pihak yang kami anggap sesuai atau perlu untuk memudahkan urusan anda dengan kami; dan

·         pembekal perkhidmatan yang dianggap perlu atau sesuai yang kami lantik berkaitan dengan program kesetiaan bagi tujuan penghantaran penebusan hadiah dan perkhidmatan.

Data Peribadi anda mungkin akan didedahkan tanpa kebenaran anda jika pendedahan itu diperlukan bagi tujuan menghalang atau mengesan sesuatu jenayah, atau untuk tujuan penyiasatan atau apa-apa tujuan yang diperlukan atau diberikuasa di bawah mana-mana undang-undang atau dengan perintah Mahkamah.

Pihak ketiga yang dilantik oleh kami dan diberi tugas memproses Data Peribadi anda secara sah selaras dengan prinsip data sulit yang dinyatakan oleh Miragold. Pihak ketiga juga bertanggungjawab untuk menjamin Data Peribadi anda pada tahap keselamatan yang sesuai berhubung dengan undang-undang perlindungan data yang berkenaan dan piawaian industri yang diterima secara meluas.


7. Pilihan Untuk Menghadkan Pemprosesan Data Peribadi


The Personal Data provided to us undergoes processing as and when required or upon scheduled maintenance. The definition of processing is defined as "collecting, recording, holding or storing the personal data or carrying out any operation or set of operations on the personal data, including the organization, adaptation or alteration of personal data, the retrieval, consultation or use of personal data, the disclosure of personal data by transmission, transfer, dissemination or otherwise making available or the alignment, combination, correction, erasure or destruction of personal data”.


Anda berhak menghadkan sebahagian atau keseluruhan mana-mana proses yang melibatkan Data Peribadi anda untuk operasi yang dibenarkan ke atasnya, untuk tempoh masa dimana diberikan, dengan tempoh notis yang munasabah dari anda.

Tanggungjawab pematuhan adalah terletak pada Miragold yang menentukan tujuan dan maksud pemprosesan Data Peribadi itu.


8. Kesan Keengganan / Kegagalan Memberikan Data Peribadi


Data Peribadi yang diberikan kepada kami adalah secara keseluruhannya bersifat sukarela dan anda tidak ada sebarang kewajipan atau dibawah apa-apa paksaan untuk berbuat demikian. Bagaimanapun, dalam situasi yang tertentu, untuk melengkapkan suatu transaksi komersial, kami memerlukan maklumat peribadi dan informasi tertentu terlebih dahulu.


Kegagalan memberikan Data Peribadi mungkin akan mengakibatkan yang berikut di mana kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas apa-apa akibat yang timbul daripadanya:

·         Ketidakupayaan pihak untuk melaksanakan transaksi jualan, kontrak dan/atau perjanjian berhubung dengan jualan produk dan/atau penyediaan perkhidmatan kami ;

·         Ketidakupayaan kami untuk memberikan notis, perkhidmatan dan/atau produk yang diminta;

·         Ketidakupayaan kami untuk memaklumkan kepada anda tentang produk terkini, perkhidmatan dan/atau sebarang pelancaran;


9. Perlindungan Data Peribadi


Data Peribadi anda akan disimpan dan diproses dengan cara yang selamat. Pentadbiran dan perlindungan keselamatan yang sesuai, polisi dan prosedur akan dilaksanakan selagi bersesuaian, selaras dengan undang- undang dan peraturan yang berkaitan. Kami akan, selagi bersesuaian, memastikan untuk menghalang sebarang pemprosesan yang tidak benarkan atau menyalahi undang-undang dan kehilangan,kemusnahan atau kerosakan yang tidak disengajakan ke atas Data Peribadi anda.


Miragold komited mengambil langkah secara teknikal, fizikal dan organisasi yang bersesuaian untuk melindungi Data Peribadi anda daripada akses tanpa kebenaran, pemprosessan yang menyalahi undang-undang, kerugian dan kerosakan yang tidak disengajakan, dan pemusnahan tanpa kebenaran ke atas Data Peribadi anda.

Untuk melindungi Data Peribadi anda daripada akses tanpa kebenaran oleh pihak ketiga yang tidak berkuasa selain daripada Miragold, semua Data Peribadi yang disimpan secara elektronik yang dimiliki Miragold dikekalkan pada sistem yang dilindungi oleh rangkaian yang selamat. Entiti Miragold menghadkan akses kepada sistem dalaman yang menyimpan Data Peribadi kepada kumpulan pengguna yang diberi kuasa yang diberi akses kepada sistem tersebut melalui penggunaan identiti dan kata laluan yang unik. Akses kepada data sulit adalah terhad dan diberikan hanya kepada pengguna yang berkenaan untuk tujuan melaksanakan tugas rasmi mereka.

Pematuhan kepada peruntukan akan diperlukan dari pentadbir pihak ketiga yang akan mengakses Data Peribadi anda, seperti dinyatakan di dalam “Pendedahan Data Peribadi” di Klausa 6 di atas.


10. Bahasa


Selaras dengan Seksyen 7(3) Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010, Polisi ini dikeluarkan dalam bentuk dwibahasa, iaitu versi Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang percanggahan antara kedua versi polisi,versi Bahasa Inggeris akan diguna pakai.



11. Pilihan Peribadi Anda Dan Cara Untuk Menghubungi Kami:


Sekiranya anda ada sebarang aduan atau pertanyaan tentang Polisi ini atau berkaitan penyalahgunaan Data Peribadi yang disyaki, anda boleh :


·         E-mel kepada kami: miragoldsb@gmail.com atau

·         Tulis atau faks kepada kami di alamat berikut –


Miragold Sdn Bhd (1383214-K)
NO 17A, Jln Ekoperniagaan 7, Taman Kota Masai, 81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor


12. Penukaran Polisi


Miragold merizabkan hak untuk meminda Polisi ini pada bila-bila masa . Jika Polisi Perlindungan Data Peribadi ini diubah, ia akan dilampirkan di laman web kami dan/atau disampaikan kepada anda melalui lain-lain cara komunikasi yang dianggap sesuai oleh kami.



13. Pemindahan dan Perkongsian Data


Data Peribadi anda mungkin akan disimpan dan dipindahkan ke perkhidmatan pihak ketiga atau penyedia produk, serta kepada lokasi dan / atau sistem dalam atau luar Malaysia yang tertakluk kepada tahap kawalan yang sesuai terhadap keselamatan maklumat anda.



Intellectual Property Rights

Other than the content you own, under these Terms, Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce and/or its licensors own all the intellectual property rights and materials contained in this Website.

You are granted limited license only for purposes of viewing the material contained on this Website.


You are specifically restricted from all of the following:

  • publishing any Website material in any other media;
  • selling, sublicensing and/or otherwise commercializing any Website material;
  • publicly performing and/or showing any Website material;
  • using this Website in any way that is or may be damaging to this Website;
  • using this Website in any way that impacts user access to this Website;
  • using this Website contrary to applicable laws and regulations, or in any way may cause harm to the Website, or to any person or business entity;
  • engaging in any data mining, data harvesting, data extracting or any other similar activity in relation to this Website;
  • using this Website to engage in any advertising or marketing.

Certain areas of this Website are restricted from being access by you and Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce may further restrict access by you to any areas of this Website, at any time, in absolute discretion. Any user ID and password you may have for this Website are confidential and you must maintain confidentiality as well.

Your Content

In these Website Standard Terms and Conditions, “Your Content” shall mean any audio, video text, images or other material you choose to display on this Website. By displaying Your Content, you grant Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce a non-exclusive, worldwide irrevocable, sub licensable license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate and distribute it in any and all media.

Your Content must be your own and must not be invading any third-partys rights. Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce reserves the right to remove any of Your Content from this Website at any time without notice.

No warranties

This Website is provided “as is,” with all faults, and Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce express no representations or warranties, of any kind related to this Website or the materials contained on this Website. Also, nothing contained on this Website shall be interpreted as advising you.

Limitation of liability

In no event shall Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce, nor any of its officers, directors and employees, shall be held liable for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this Website whether such liability is under contract. Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce, including its officers, directors and employees shall not be held liable for any indirect, consequential or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of this Website.


You hereby indemnify to the fullest extent Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce from and against any and/or all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages and expenses arising in any way related to your breach of any of the provisions of these Terms.


If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid under any applicable law, such provisions shall be deleted without affecting the remaining provisions herein.

Variation of Terms

Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce is permitted to revise these Terms at any time as it sees fit, and by using this Website you are expected to review these Terms on a regular basis.


The Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce is allowed to assign, transfer, and subcontract its rights and/or obligations under these Terms without any notification. However, you are not allowed to assign, transfer, or subcontract any of your rights and/or obligations under these Terms.

Entire Agreement

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between Miragold Sdn. Bhd. GoldCommerce and you in relation to your use of this Website, and supersede all prior agreements and understandings.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction

These Terms will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Malaysia, and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Malaysia for the resolution of any disputes.


Dikemaskini pada Februari 2023